Having Brave Faith

By October 8, 2015Blog

We live in a day and age where all around us is darkness. One just has to turn on the news and see the horrors of everyday life. But Jesus brought light into a dark world and is the Author of our Faith. Jesus also said in Matthew “according to your faith it will be done to you.” Faith unlocks the promises of God. With over 7,000 promises in the Bible from cover to cover we look how God has given us a blank check to claim them in my new series BRAVE FAITH.


Faith turns God given dreams into reality. Nothing starts to happen until somebody dreams. The Bible is full of people that had God given dreams. Abraham dreamed of being a father of a great nation, Moses dreamed of leading his people out of Egypt. Faith unlocks the promises of God and Faith shows us the power of God. Faith doesn’t take us out of our problems but gives us the power to go through our problems. Brave faith gives us resilience the ability to bounce back, no matter what life throws our way people of BRAVE FAITH finish the race.


Are you prepared for a miracle? The disciples were not prepared for Jesus to feed the 5,000 in the Judean desert. It is the only miracle that was so important that it was talked about in all 4 books Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. But it is a miracle that displays the biblical truth that God can turn very little into A LOT! And just like the little boy who put his lunch into the hands of Jesus if you need a miracle just put it in the hands of Jesus. So if you need a little turned into a lot you better be prepared for a miracle. We can’t wait to see you this weekend at the Lords Church LA.



The men of the LCLA are going to Joshua Tree National Park. The dates are October 16-18 if interested please go to our website and click the giving tab to login. The group name is Tribe of Christians. The cost is $75 and that includes Park admission, camping, food, transportation & activities. There is limited space available so if you are interested get RSVP and paid ASAP.



We have our annual Trunk or Treat event from 10:30 am – 1pm on Sunday October 25th. We will have Candy, food, live music and a raffle giving out 3 $100 gift cards to Walmart. Please come in costumes this is an amazing event for the whole family. The top 3 costumes will also when gift cards. Bring friends and family for a day of fun at the Lords Church LA Trunk or Treat.



We have our annual Thanksgiving Dinner from 11am-1pm at the Lords Church LA.  If you are interested in volunteering for this awesome event please see a connect team member at the connect tent located at the entrance.  Volunteering is truly an incredible experience.  Helping others on Thanksgiving Day is a very fulfilling event that you will remember.  Or come and enjoy all the great food.  The Lords Church LA has been hosting this event for the last 20 years.


God Bless and remember, the Lords Church LA is a place where everyone can worship in spirit and in truth.

Pastor Jason Phillips