A couple of weeks ago I was going through the previous week’s connect cards and there was one that really stood out to me. This person had written under the comments section “I really don’t get the whole Jesus concept?” It grabbed my attention immediately because at times in my life, I’ve felt the same way.
I think it is a great question and a question that inspired my current message series entitled JESUS + NOTHING = EVERYTHING. I suppose you could also say Everything – Jesus = Nothing. So what’s the big deal with this Jesus Stuff? Is Jesus on the back of a milk cartoon or is He missing from your life?
The unique thing about Jesus is he is a God who actually has an interest in you, personally. I was a skeptic for years and through his love he transformed me into a brand new me. That’s the awesome experience you can have with Christ; he is always there and always caring. No matter where you are in life He will always be there. Remember this Jesus is God. He is the God who created planets and stars, and he holds them all in his hands. He made electrons and protons, atoms and elements, gravity and inertia. Everything that has been made was made by him and through him, and before any of its foundation was laid, he chose to redeem and adopt us as His own. There is no other world religion out there where the God of everything is actually referenced as our father and we His children. Even though I rejected the Cross for years through Jesus undeniable love for me He has made me a brand new me and He can do the same for you.
A New Change
If you would like to be completely reshaped by the gospel, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Because when you allow Jesus to reshape who you are as a person we become living patterns of our RISEN Lord. We can’t wait to see you this weekend at the Lords Church LA.
We have our annual Thanksgiving Dinner from 11am-1pm at the Lords Church LA. If you are interested in volunteering for this awesome event please see a connect team member at the connect tent located at the entrance. Volunteering is truly an incredible experience. Helping others on Thanksgiving Day is a very fulfilling event that you will remember. Or come and enjoy all the great food. The Lords Church LA has been hosting this event for the last 20 years.
God Bless and remember the Lords Church LA is a place where everyone can worship in spirit and in truth.
Pastor Jason Phillips